Problem Description
You are importing Bills of Material (BMCOIN) and receive the following error
for some of your bills/items:
Component and assembly item attributes invalid
What are the conditions causing the failure?
Solution Description
The PL/SQL file $BOM_TOP/admin/sql/BOMVALBB.pls contains the
code which is performing the validation with a call to the
bmvitmatt_verify_item_attr() function.
The code is validating the parent item against the component item
to make sure certain rules are not being broken:
All of the following rules must be met for the assembly and component to pass
validation. This is based on version 50.29 of BOMVALBB.pls:
A. The assembly item and component item must be in same org.
B. The component item must be bom enabled.
C. The component item cannot be a child of itself,
i.e. assembly cannot equal component.
E. If the assembly item is a manufacturing item,
the component item cannot be engineering.
F. One of the following must be TRUE:
1. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is MODEL and
the component item’s bom_item_type is not PLANNING
2. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is OPTION CLASS and
the component item’s bom_item_type is not PLANNING
3. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is PLANNING
4. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is STANDARD and
one of the following is TRUE:
a. the component item’s bom_item_type is STANDARD
b. the component item’s bom_item_type is (MODEL or OPTION CLASS) and
the assembly and component are both ATO items and
the assembly is not a configured item.
G. One of the following must be TRUE:
1. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is PLANNING
2. The assembly item is a PTO item
3. The component item is not a PTO item
H. One of the following must be TRUE:
1. The assembly item’s bom_item_type is PLANNING
2. The component item’s bom_item_type IS NOT OPTION CLASS
3. All of the following are TRUE:
a. The component item’s bom_item_type IS OPTION CLASS
b. The assembly and component are both PTO items or
The assembly and component are both ATO items
I. The following must be FALSE:
Both the assembly and component item’s bom_item_type are STANDARD and
the assembly is a PTO item and
the component is an ATO item.
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